You are Born to Blossom Summary by Abdul Kalam


This book highlights the uniqueness of each individual and his/her singular talents to become the best versions. Every individual owes it to her/himself to fulfill the natural potential and determine the course to success.

This course may well be uncharted and unfamiliar but that is what should motivate every person. However, with success there should be awareness and responsibility.

This ties into the fact that we all live as part of one big society and an even greater natural environment. Thus, we must recognize and do our best to benefit and aid its development.

Role of Brilliant Minds

Brilliant minds should not just focus on building castles and wealth for themselves but help construct a better world for all. This requires a call of duty and service to mankind and a spirit of sacrifice.

He explains that every student or young person depends on others to help build one’s life and perspective. These people can be our parents, educators or other guides/mentors. They are source of constant support and encouragement much like a burning candle in a pitch dark night.

Criticism of the Education System

Kalam goes on to critique the extant education architecture of the country that quells the individuality of the students and focuses in rote-learning and uniform methods of instruction. It does not cater to individual’s specific requirements, talents, interests and aspirations.

It emphasizes one particular template for success which can only discourage creativity and originality. However, creative processes require imagination and thus, demand risks and leaps of faith.

Hence, we should not restrict our students from exploring the unconventional and novel ideas and concepts. This kind of courage and fertility breeds true leaders which are a resource not just for the nation but its people and society.

Mutual Mode of Learning

Kalam also believes in mutual mode of learning which means it is not just the students that learn but also educators and teachers who gain knowledge, perspective and ideas by interacting with young and hopeful minds.

Thus, education becomes a more inclusive, receptive and responsive endeavor. It should not be restricted to marks, certificates and awards. ?

This also demolishes the idea that one can learn only till a certain age. He uses examples of scores of independent minds that have made massive contributions in the latter part of their careers and lives.

This is important as we need energies, experiences and skills from different peoples, ages, perspectives and ideologies to help transform and empower our nation, society and environment for posterity.